When I Opened My Eyes – Poem

It is morning, again
I need to wake up
I need to get up
I am back,
but I still lack
Something, something
I’ve always wanted

I’m too scared, again
To face the sunshine
To look in the sky
For I expect
That this weather will provide me
Nothing, nothing
As it always did

Continue reading “When I Opened My Eyes – Poem”

Broken Past, Unreal Future – Poem

The ceiling hasn’t been a help for me
It paints the memories
I can’t let go of
Colorful, yet disturbing
Wondering if I didn’t waste the chance,
If I didn’t wait to regret
Was it beautiful?
I can’t respond

After a lot of ticktocks
On that annoying clock
I’m grateful, they vanish
But new ones appear
daydreams I long,
warmth and bliss for tomorrow
They will never happen
And will remain fantasies

I’m used to these paintings
On the same ceiling every night
Am I supposed to live in a broken past
And an unreal future?

No one’s wrapping their presents for me.

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